Israel Moya: Training Leader with Renaissance Spirit

Israel “Izzy” Moya is a Restaurant Training Leader (RTL) with Desert De Oro Foods Taco Bell in San Antonio, TX and is described as someone with a renaissance spirit.  Not one to be contentsitting on the sidelines while life passes him by, Izzy is all about experiencing things to the fullest. Which, most recently, included skydiving with two of his co-workers!

Izzy joined us on November 2018. Today, he works under Area Coach Josie Perez, who he credits for being an important career mentor. Her always-here-to-help attitude and approach was one Izzy quickly adopted.

This past winter, Izzy had the opportunity to travel to New England to help out a store in need. Izzy loves networking and enjoyed meeting new people and experiencing different learning styles on the East Coast. But he was happy to know his team in San Antonio missed him while he was away!  

Leading with Family

Izzy lives in San Antonio with his mom and sister (who also works for us), which makes it no surprise that family is at the top of the list in importance. Izzy grew up sitting under the stars talking with his grandma. She was Izzy’s “go to” person, always there with a cup of coffee and an ear. She passed away in 2017, but her memory lives on — Izzy honored her in November at the Day of the Dead Festival.

As an RTL, Izzy’s known for having an honest and empathetic leadership style. He’ll tell you straight out what needs fixing or adjusting, and he’s committed to fairness and treating everyone equally.  Izzy’s also committed to self improvement! During the pandemic, he decided to go back to school while juggling work as a Shift Lead. He admits it was challenging; he often fought feelings of wanting to quit school. But he pushed through to become the first in his family to get a college degree!

Bright Future

An ambitious adventurer, Izzy is back in school, pursuing a marketing degree with the goal of owning his own business one day. How does he do it all? You might say he has a positive outlook. “Outlook calendar is my new best friend,” he shares. “Keeping meetings, deadlines and homework organized.”  

We’re proud to have provided the backdrop and opportunity for Izzy to learn, grow and develop. He’s taken opportunity by the reigns and continues to make the most of his experiences. And don’t worry, not all of his activities are as intense as skydiving! Like a true renaissance man, Izzy likes painting, hiking, bowling, attending concerts and going to the movies. A man of many talents indeed!